
Part2 lesson 10, 05 anneal | fastai 2019 course -v3

Follow Apr 22, 2021 · 2 mins read
Part2 lesson 10, 05 anneal | fastai 2019 course -v3
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🎮 Q0: Preprare data, dataset, databunch, learner, and run objects.

🎮 Q1: implement two new callbacks
1) Recorder: records scheduled learning rate & plot

  • hint. consider which points you should intercept to record learning rate and loss

2) ParamScheduler: schedule any hyperparameter (as long as it’s registered in the state_dict of optimizer)

  • hint. think of when you can apply tweaked hyper parameters

🎮 Q2: implement annealer which does schedule learning rate given specific period of training.

  • Linear, Cosine, Exponential

🎮 Q3: plot above annealers start from 2 end with 0.01 (you’d need monkey patch code)

  • (1) plot image on seperate images
  • (2) plot graphs on one image 🎮 Q4: implement combine scheduler which re-scales schedulers with assigned percentaghes.



class Recorder(Callback):
    def begin_fit(self): self.lrs,self.losses = [],[]

    def after_batch(self):
        if not self.in_train: return

    def plot_lr  (self): plt.plot(self.lrs)
    def plot_loss(self): plt.plot(self.losses)

class ParamScheduler(Callback):
    def __init__(self, pname, sched_func): self.pname,self.sched_func = pname,sched_func

    def set_param(self):
        for pg in self.opt.param_groups:
            pg[self.pname] = self.sched_func(self.n_epochs/self.epochs)
    def begin_batch(self): 
        if self.in_train: self.set_param()


# annealer decorator

def annealer(f):
    def _inner(start, end): return partial(f, start, end)
    return _inner

# schedulers  

def sched_lin(start, end, pos): return start + pos*(end-start)

def sched_cos(start, end, pos): return start + (1 + math.cos(math.pi*(1-pos))) * (end-start) / 2

def sched_no(start, end, pos):  return start

def sched_exp(start, end, pos): return start * (end/start) ** pos


annealings = "NO LINEAR COS EXP".split()

a = torch.arange(0, 100)
p = torch.linspace(0.01,1,100)

fns = [sched_no, sched_lin, sched_cos, sched_exp]
for fn, t in zip(fns, annealings):
    f = fn(2, 1e-2)
    plt.plot(a, [f(o) for o in p], label=t)


def combine_scheds(pcts, scheds):
    assert sum(pcts) == 1.
    pcts = tensor([0] + listify(pcts))
    assert torch.all(pcts >= 0)
    pcts = torch.cumsum(pcts, 0)
    def _inner(pos):
        idx = (pos >= pcts).nonzero().max()
        if idx == 2: idx = 1
        actual_pos = (pos-pcts[idx]) / (pcts[idx+1]-pcts[idx])
        return scheds[idx](actual_pos)
    return _inner

sched = combine_scheds([0.3, 0.7], [sched_cos(0.3, 0.6), sched_cos(0.6, 0.2)])

cbfs = [Recorder,
        partial(ParamScheduler, 'lr', sched)]

learn = create_learner(get_model_func(0.3), loss_func, data)

run = Runner(cb_funcs=cbfs)


Why this model has only one parameter bunch? (i.e.[-1] -> why picks up last element?)