The 4th week retropect at Digital Product School
Week 4 - Find solution ideas and run experiments

[This week’s schedule]
- Ideation Techniques
- Generating idea in my team
- AIdeation
- Team brain storming of idea
- Die Produkt Macher
Ideation Techniques

[slides from @steffen]
What is ideation techniques?
We tried to find out user’s painpoint last week. Tried to users talk about their, pain point. No question directly, but extract from them their pain with transportation.
Generating idea in my team
Team brain storming of idea
Based on generated idea on Monday, we extended our idea doing rolling-paper!
Die Produkt Macher
What is lean start-up?
Lean startup is a methodology for developing businesses and products that aims to shorten product development cycles and rapidly discover if a proposed business model is viable; this is achieved by adopting a combination of business-hypothesis-driven experimentation, iterative product releases, and validated learning. - wikipedia